I am SO not a phone girl. I don't like talking on the phone; I don't like answering the phone and I most certainly do not like being tied to a phone. I'd rather e-mail someone than call on the phone. I know that it makes sense for me to carry a cell phone in case of an emergency, etc; but I don't have to like it.
Archie fusses at me all the time because I don't answer my cell in a timely manner or more often then not, I forget to take the darn thing with me. I have never texted in my life and I could care less that the new iPhone lets you download movies while you're in the bathroom.
Get connected? Bah! Get unconnected!
I dream of the day when I'll be able to toss ye old cell phone out with the trash (which incidentally has already been attempted by Tucker [good job baby!]). I know that more than likely that day will never come, but a girl can dream.
Thank goodness that Silas is getting old enough to answer the phone and he can on occasion even manage to take a message.
It's not that I don't love talking to people; I do. It's just that for such a convenience item; the telephone sure does seem to be an inconvenience.
Eh, I don't like talking on the phone either. I love caller ID though.
Salesman? Not home.
MIL? Not home.
Someone asking for money? Not home.
I am so anti-phone, it's not even funny. I wish I could talk into the phone and have stuff transcribed for me to a text, because I hate texting too!
God Bless You!! So nice to see I'm not the only one. Aaron's phone is surgically implanted in his leg-he gets so bugged that I don't constantly have mine on my person. Or even turned on for that matter.....
I'm the same way. I got my first text message a few months ago and didn't know what the heck to do. So I sent an email to the girl who texted me.. Mark gets very frustrated with me as well for not answering the cell. I never hear it ring and most of the time it doesn't ring. I prefer to email people and then talk with them face to face!
I hate being tied down on the phone...like when someone really long winded calls you and just will not stop talking! I just recently started texting and I love it!! You can have a conversation at your own pace and get a quick answer from someone with talking on the phone for an hour! You should try it...you might actually like it!
That is probably my husband's biggest gripe... I never answer my phone. I have to admit I do love texting though. I can get straight to the point & send him jokes throughout the day via text.
I used to always leave my phone behind, but now I can read blogs on my phone so I have to admit that has encouraged me to bring it with me more often.
Bah! We can't be friends anymore Lisa. ;)
I don't do texting though. Just cannot see the point. And I don't actually know the number on my cell, so it is used purely for outgoing calls. Ray tried to call me on it about 2 weeks ago and it took him 2 tries to get through, because I had no idea it was ME who was ringing. LOL!
GIRL! Me, too....I usually return phone calls instead of answering when called.
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