Jul 23, 2010

i love


when little kids go to the bathroom themselves and come out with their clothes tucked inside of their undies.

the soft whisper of breath on your ear when you're giving piggy back rides.

giggles from playing siblings.

being a mom to 4 wonderful, unique, wild babies.

a nice, fresh home-grown tomato.

newborn babies; especially my own, but any will do.

a long soak in a hot bath with a good book.

holding hands through a whole movie with my sweetheart.

traveling with the family; all safe and snug together in the car.

going to bed and pulling the smallest Cameron into my arms; he'll nestle in close and we'll sleep like kings.

a fresh, hot cup of coffee (or two) and a quiet morning.


McCryssy said...

We have the same loves. I think I should just move in with you guys ;)

Jenners said...

You know where the true joys of life are.

Laura said...

Your list made me sigh with contentedness.