There are several rules that one is wise to follow when dealing with the Diva in the early morning. If you value your happiness, it's best to adhere to said rules, else you'll be delved into the unknown world of temper tantrums, tears and straight out drama worthy of an Oscar winning actress.
1. The Diva will arise when she deems ready; this could be anywhere from 9 am to noon.
2. Do not enter the Diva's sleeping chambers prior to her arousal from sleep. If it becomes necessary to wake the Diva before she has awaken. Quickly open the door and turn on the lights and run. A small amount of protest will be bellowed, but not at full Diva tantrum.
3. It is wise to not make direct eye contact with the Diva until she has been presented with her breakfast and milk.
4. All inquiries should be submitted in writing for later perusal. Do not ask her what she wants for breakfast; you must be able to read minds! Do not ask her if she slept well; the answer is almost always NO! And do not make the mistake of asking for a hug, kiss or other sign of affection.
5. The only variation to these rules is when Daddy is home in the morning. The Diva must be presented right away to Daddy for snuggles and love.
The only thing that she lacks to be a true empress is a sleep mask and satin sheets. Oh joy!
hehe- I know those rules well!
So funny! YOu need to start working right away on those sheets and that mask! =)
Too funny! My boys are the exact opposite....up and running before the sun is all the way up!
Don't forget the princess crown! Too funny!
I wish mine would sleep that late! That'd be enough for me to put up with everything else!
Can you have your Diva speak to my boys about their wake up time, please?
Fear not! I have Diva's future husband here at my house. Mornings should be interesting...
Sounds so much like Callee, except for Callee wakes at 6:30 and demands her smoothie. When it comes time to eat...she repeats over and over "I want food." I'd be rich if I had a dollar for every time I've said "Tell me what kind of food you want."
Beautiful gardens
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