Highs and Lows for your week.
Here are mine:
There is a HUGE fabric store in a neighboring town that I've been avoiding because I knew that there would be too many choices and not enough money to buy what I wanted. To celebrate the sales that I've made, I decided that Saturday was the day to splurge and I bought all of that fabric up there. Beautiful, isn't it?
I got mail! And the only thing better than mail period is surprise mail! My friend Laura from Pancake Batter in my Hair, sent me this neat package with the Canadian version of "Smarties" in them in response to my post about our version of Smarties. I love mail; don't you?
Silas and Archie went to boy scout camp this past weekend and Silas had a blast. He shot his first BB gun, shot his first bow and arrow and caught a nice fish! His Papa would be SO proud of him.

Archie and Silas went to boy scout camp this past weekend and it seemed like I didn't even get to see Archie.

We had Gavin's pre-op appointment with the Dr. I'm nervous. It's not the surgery that bothers me; it's the going to sleep and waking up part that does.

We forked out a hundred bucks for Silas to go to Lego Camp this week at school; only to find out that he doesn't get to actually KEEP any of the LEGOS, he only gets to BORROW them. Ugggh.
So what the heck is the fee for the lego school for? That seems like a scam if you ask me, so sorry! Yea for the fabric store getaway, that's awesome, send me some of your inspiration because I've got ideas out the yin yang and can't find the time to do them.
Not getting to keep the legos? Ahhhhh no way!
At first I had to respond to tell you how insanely jealous I am that you got Canadian Smarties (Canada has the BEST chocolate!!), but then I was too totally appalled at the legos. That is a freaking lot of money with nothing to show for it! You should set up your own Lego camp next summer - at $100 a child, you could buy all the legos you'd need and still make a killing!
I love this idea!!!
Fabric... I want a dres!!!! It's all so cute!!! Do you want me to go through your store?
Lego Camp sounds really fun but yeah, that stinks!!!
Beautiful fabric. Sucks about the legos.
Just read through all your vacay posts, playing catch up. Looks like you guys had a whole lotta fun!!! Yk, minus the missing theeth and digested batteries and stuff.
$100 to use Legos????
Want to come over and borrow our books for $600? What is up with these people??!
Very, very cute patterns!
We did the LEGO thing earlier this summer too!
I love the second fabric!!!!!
Glad you like the Smarties. :) And Heidi, I will send some to you, if you want. tee hee
The lego thing is appalling.
Fun on the mail! I love Smarties (never tried the Canadian kind.... when I taught 7th grade, I would pass out Dum Dums during the first semester, then Smarties during the 2nd semester.)
You are scaring me with all that fabric. LOL.... I'm only mildly jealous of your ability to sew!
HEY!! Hopefully you keep up with comments on old posts, but I thought of you when I saw this:
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