Jul 22, 2009

Look Closely

Little white hairs stand out on his summer-tanned arms. One hand grips the ears of his beloved giraffe that had comforted him since babyhood. Both hands are folded under his chest. His small, long legs are splayed out under the hospital blankets and his baby blanket covers his shoulders and back. His white hair sticks out in tufts all over from lack of brushing at 6 o'clock this morning. Small puffs of air escape his parted lips as he breathes the deep sleep of lingering anesthesia. There's a line across his right check where he's slept on his IV line and it's left a mark. He's so big, yet so little.

He's recovering from having his tonsils and adenoids removed. The surgery went well. It was hard having him taken from us and even harder when I heard his cries while he was being moved from the O.R. to the recovery room. Everybody loves Gavin. The freezer is stocked with ice cream from friends and we've had numerous calls checking on him. The hardest part is going to be keeping him as inactive as possible for the next 2 weeks.


Shannon said...

Awh, I've been waiting for an update on him. I'm so glad that everything went well and hope he recovers very quickly. Maybe now he'll be Millie's favorite, at least for the next few weeks?!?

Laurie said...

*sniffle* So glad everything went well! When C had his tonsils out last Nov. and keeping him calm and inactive was the most difficult part...well, aside from watching your baby being wheeled away! *hugs*

Anonymous said...

I'm glad everything went well. Poor kid! Getting tonsils out bites!

McCryssy said...

Whew! I'm so glad the sweet boy is home resting now! Give him lots of hugs and kisses from his internet Aunties!
(((Lisa))) you made it through too, eh? :)

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

Ohhh, I just want to cry with him! Poor guy. You couldn't wait until the school year started for this? :p

Laura said...

(((Lisa))) and (((Archie)))
So you all made it through. Poor Gavin. I hope that he feels better soon.

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Glad to hear that everything went okay. Bless his heart. He will probably HATE ice cream by the time this is over. As if that's even possible. :)

Heidi said...

So glad you all made it through! I wish him luck and calm, placid vibes for his recovery! ;)

Anonymous said...

Poor baby! I hope is recovery is speedy and easy!

T- said...

I hope he feels better soon!

Heather said...

((hugs)) I am so glad it went well. I would have had a hard time too. Sorry I am so late, I am way behind on my blog reading lol. ((HUGS)) to you all, I will be thinking of you.
