Tuesday afternoon brought with it an hour of unscrewing, swearing, pulling, prying and a few well-placed kicks. You see, our lovely son decided to celebrate his birthday in true party boy style and conspicuously drop an undiscovered toy into the lint trap of the dryer. How do I know this you might ask? Because when I
crammed lovingly placed a load of towels into dry and hit the GO button, the whole dryer sounded like the space shuttle trying to launch. Not being a call-the-repairman or wait-for-the-husband kind of woman, I armed myself with the necessary tools and went to town dismantling the front of the dryer to fit my too large arm into the too small hole where the lint goes. I vacuumed and cleaned my way through no less than 12 pounds of lint; even enlisting the help of the 6 year-old because he loves doing stuff like that. My turn at being the handy woman was short-lived; however, because THE man of the house arrived home from work, huffed at me and pushed me aside. He pulled the dryer back and shook vigorously. We heard the-toy-that-shall-not-be-named shake free and the when the dryer was turned on again, hummed beautifully along drying the load. All is well again ...
until the 2 year-old troublemaker strikes again that is.
I'm impressed. If Ray isn't deployed, I always wait for him to fix it. He's gone so often, I usually do it myself.
You are way braver than me ... though you're talking to the girl who fried a perfectly good computer the other day trying to "fix" something after accidentally deleting what turned out to be A Very Important File.
I commend you for trying to fix it yourself. I would just use it as an excuse to not do laundry for awhile. LOL!
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