I ordered them from a super cool company called Little Miss Matched.com.
All of their socks come in "pairs" of three. So if you lose one, it's no big deal and you get to pick which two you wear together on any given day. Unless of course, you HAVE three feet and NEED three socks. The socks match, but don't match. My favorites are the knee socks (which are more like thigh highs on Mil).
So, Little Miss Matched.com is running a Project Sock Design Contest. You download their design form and get started creating. I finished mine and dropped it in the mail this morning. The fan favorite winner gets $1000 and 10 packs of their socks. The socks will also be produced and sold in the LMM Summer line.
Now, you may wonder why I felt compelled to enter a contest that I will very likely not win. I did it to prove a point. Silas seems to think that "there's no way you would win mom!" Well, that may be so, but you still have to try!
Want to see my design? It's a Prince, Princess and Frog combo. Because sometimes you feel like kissing your Prince and sometimes you feel like hanging with a frog. (Sorry that the quality isn't that great, but my scanner is jacked up.)

Now I ask you ... wouldn't you buy these socks?

That's where I get all my socks! :)
LOVE your design! I didn't even know they were doing the contest, what a fun idea!
I am so into cutesy socks right now, I'd totally buy them!
Lil Miss Matched are Hanan's favorites. She could be a spokesperson. Great design. We would totally buy them.
They're adorable!!!
I need to go check them out for Sienna.
I was wondering where you got those cute socks! Your design is a cute idea too :)
I think they are so cute! What a create idea!!
Love them!
Way cute design on those socks!! And I love LMM socks (since you introduced me to them) but I haven't gotten any yet. I need to just go ahead and buy a few pair (trios?).
And I just might enter, too! What a fun contest!
I would TOTALLY buy those. I bet you have a good shot at winning!
I just stumbled onto your blog in a round-about way (clicked on a link on one blog, bringing me to another, where they linked to your kid's tool belt tutorial). I loved the tutorial, and bookmarked it to make later for my son. Then I kept reading your recnet posts...and I had to comment and tell you that I love your blog. I think I've bookmarked at least five more tutorials for projects I'm dying to try! I hope it's OK if I add you to my blog reader.
I would so buy those socks! I hope you win!
That is such a brilliant idea!
Not only would I buy those socks, but I LOVE that idea. And I want a set.
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