Feb 10, 2011

not fun

The babies and I have spent the last few weeks battling illness.
We were not made for battle. No armor, no weapons, no anything.
So we've spent a lot of time cooped up ... sleeping and ...
watching movies and ... recuperating. 


Catey said...

Oh darn it! Those poor sweet little babies look so sad. I hope you are all on the mend quickly!

Heidi said...

Aw!! Us, too! It's no fun. Poor babies! Hope everyone recovers quickly!

I'm in LOVE with your new header. I usually read blogs in a reader so I don't get to see the changes much... gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Wow...they look exhausted! Being sick wipes everyone out. Hope the house gets back to normal soon!

~LL~ said...

Ugh.... I'm So sorry.... this season has been so hard on many people..... including my family. I hope you are all better soon. Prayers!

Shannon said...

Awh, poor babies! Rest up, spring is just around the corner.

heidi said...

Lady, I feel ya. I'm so over all this crud!! Hope you guys feel better soon!